Quad Shield RG6 Commscope Coaxial Cable 5781 1,000 Foot Spool
1,000 foot spool.
CommScope 3 GHz RG6 coax cable for HDTV, Satellite TV, Broadband, Cable TV, VSAT, TV Antenna and MATV and SMATV distribution systems. The highest quality quad shielded RG6 coaxial cable available.
Made in USA
Part No. 5781
- Bare copper, solid center conductor 18 AWG RG6 coax cable
- 75 OHM Quad shielded 3 GHz RG6 coaxial cable
- For non-plenum applications, PVC jacket
- Qualifications: HDTV, CM, CATV, MATV, Off Air, Satellite, & FT4
- CommScope coax cable part number: 5781
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