ASE-DK075-H87 Docking Station for Iridium 9555 with Intelligent Handset 2-wire
The ASE DK075 Docking Station is a docking station for the Iridium 9555 Phone/Handset. Elegant in its appearance it is often chosen for companies’ executive’s offices or the bridge on a sophisticated yacht but finds its way easily installed in a remote control room. The Docking Station is singular and powerful in its use and function. No-to-low maintenance, the DK075 works immediately out of the box–no immediate firmware upgrades necessary, keeping the operating costs to a minimum. It is most likely that the need to reinstall the stable firmware of the Docking Station will never occur.
Includes: HA87 Intelligent Privacy Handset.
P/N ASE-DK075-H87
*9555 Iridium Phone not included
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