200W Rollable Solar Charger P3 Solar 20124
P3Solar’s P3 products are designed for United States and Allied Armed Forces personnel requiring the smallest, lightest, highest power density portable solar chargers in support of mobile forces operating in austere environments. Our products scale to meet the mission’s portable power needs and are reliable to use again and again. We deliver these products in a timely, cost effective manner and support their use until no longer needed or functional.
P3Solar Part No. 20124
The 200W Rollable Solar Charger, designed for use with the EZ-Out collapsible mounting frame or standalone, provides a significant amount of solar energy for battery charging. At 40w/pounds, the 200W rollable is lightweight and compact rolling to a 5” diameter making it easy to transport and store. The 200W has built in bypass diodes so it’s very shade tolerant!
Perfect for charging:
• Rechargeable Batteries
• GPS Devices
• Laptop Computers
• 2-way Radios
• Satellite & Cell Phones
• PDAs MP3 Players
• Satellite Terminals
• Thermal Imaging Camera’s
• Laser Rangefinders
When all else fails, fuel is depleted and solar is your only backup, choose P3Solar and the Dynamo AC 600 'paired' with a P3Solar solar charger!
Solar field wiped out, sunrise after Hurricane Maria passed over St Thomas V.I.
Specifications: | |
Deployed, mm: | 889 x 1956 x 1.0 |
Deployed, inches: | 38.625 x 77.75 x 0.04 |
Rolled, mm: | 127 Dia x 981 |
Rolled, inches: | 5 Dia x 38.625 |
Weight: kg (Ib) | 3.18 (7.0 ) |
Max Output: |
200 watt (38v at 5200mA) |
P3Solar Part No. 20124 200W Roallable Solar Charger 'Saffron' / Yellow
P3Solar Part No. 20125 200W Roallable Solar Charger 'Coyote' / Brown
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