PPC EX6XL PLUS RG6 Compression Connector
PPC-BELDEN SignalTight RG6 compression connector.
Protection against loose connectors Digital services are seriously impacted by loose connectors: Pixilation and tiling of video • Reduced data speeds • Poor VoIP voice quality
Achieves signal transmission approaching that of a fully-tightened connector, even if left loose!
• Unique 7/16” nut prole allows hand tightening while discouraging wrench-tightening on CPEs
• Maintains ground contact even when less than finger tight
• Reduces QAM errors/packet loss • Prevents service issues from loose connections
• Ideal for customer self-install kits
The patented SignalTight® connector is built on the industry proven EX® Universal Compression
Connector platform. The engineered beryllium copper continuity member ensures electrical
continuity is maintained through the full range of motion a loose connector can experience.
SignalTight® prevents service issues cause by loose non-continuity connectors such as
pixilation, tiling, reduced data speeds and poor VoIP quality. SignalTight® has quickly become
the most adopted premium connector in the industry.
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